At the begining of 2022,Our team(Fdata) pay a visit to the Yangtai Mountain.
Climbing mountains will teach you patience, persistence and gratitude
They will teach you how to be positive
They will teach you to enjoy the small luxuries in life.
A grueling four hours of vertical in the heat and we stop for water break. It will probably be the best water you have ever tasted in your life. We overlook the small things in life that we take for granted, like water.
We all know being in the mountains can make life better but what about climbing to the top of those mountains?
The ‘loud’ silence that engulfs all the senses when standing amongst that magic landscape, a sense of awe at the expanse and greatness that leaves a deep sense of self-awareness and humility.
Also the appeal of mountaineering, the challenge of climbing a mountain and the enduring mark that experience leaves, knowing that the effort is rewarded with an incredible view and a sense of personal achievement that promotes self-improvement and development.
We will be right here waiting for you,Join us for 2022!